Thursday, December 20, 2012


Warm-up: Band Mobility
A) 10x2 DE box squat w/ 60% (255)
B) 1RM clean and jerk

B) 275lbs


Warm-up: E(30)O(30)- 6 burpees
A) 5RM close-grip bench press
B) 3x10 barbell skull crushers
C) For time: 21 hang DB cleans w/ 40lbs, 21 ring dips, 20yd backward sled pull w/ 200lbs, 15 DB hang cleans, 15 ring dips, 20yd backward sled drag, 9 DB hang cleans, 9 ring dips

A) 215
B) 75, 85, 95
C) 5:13

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I'm back to a more regimented strength template now but, with it being crunched down to three days of the week now instead of four, I have more time to sprinkle in a ton of other components of fitness such as movnat, parkour, endurance, etc. Here's a little taste.

Warm-up: 15 leg swings forward and backward (each leg), 15 lateral legs swings (each leg), 20 slow air squats
A) 2RM box squat
B) 3x12 banded leg curls
C) 3x15 cable crunches w/ 20sec hollow body hold immediately after each set and 2min rest between
D) 7x3 postion snatch HEAVY
E) For time- 30 overhead squats w/ 95lbs, 7 MUs, 20 overhead squats, 5 MUs

A) 375
D) 135, 155, 175, 185, 155, 155, 135
E) Don't want to talk about it.... (my muscle-ups need some major work)

A) 2x3 rounds- movnat tree circuit w/ 5min rest between attempts (beat my first set by a whole minute)
B) Climbing free play
C) 15min continuous run partitioned in 3min increments:
The first 2min- run @60-70%
The last 1min- run @80-90%

A) 4:00/2:57
C) 2.10 miles total

Warm-up: 800m run, 2x10 rotator cuff raises w/ 12lbs (each arm), 20 C2D push-ups slow
A) 9x3 DE close-grip bench press w/ 50% (135)+40-50lbs of chains
B) 4x8 DB incline bench press w/ 10 strict pull-ups performed immediately after each set and w/ 2min rest between sets following pull-ups
C) From the ground (power clean; keep in rack position w/ no drops)- 5x1 push press+2 power jerks+3 split jerks
D) 3x10 pendlay rows

B) 70, 75, 75, 70
C) 135, 155, 185, 205, 225
D) 135, 155, 165

Warm-up: 400m run @60-80%, then 4rds- 10 lateral hurdle pass-unders @36", 10 lateral hurdle step-overs @32"
A) 8x4 corner cone drill
B) 4xNFL combine shuttle (5-10-5)
C) 5x5yd sprints, 5yd back pedal, 10yd sprint, 10yd back pedal, 20yd all-out sprint to finish


Monday, December 3, 2012



Warm-up: 3 rounds- 6 KB snatches w/ 2 pood (3 each arm), 4 front squats w/ 135, 2 false-grip muscle-ups
A) 7x3 high hang cleans+split jerk AHAP
B) 12min AMRAP- 400m run, 5 deadlifts w/ 385lbs
C) 2x1min hollow body hold

A) 225
B) 5 rounds+5 deadlifts

Sunday, December 2, 2012



Warm-up: 2min wall-sit, 500m row
A) 1RM back squat
B) EMOM(10)- 1 front squat w/ 90% (295)
C) 5rds- 2 tire flips w/ 600lbs and 50yd sprint w/ 2min rest between

A) 395
C) :37, :34, :32, :26, :25

A) 20min AMRAP @80%- 10 hollow rocks, 10 goblet squats w/ 1 pood KB, 10 KB around the worlds (5 each side), 4 burpee+crawl under 18" beam, 10sec skin-the-cat hold, 20 sledgehammer strikes (10 each side)

A) 7 rounds

Warm-up: 500m row, 20 push-ups
A) 5x1 hang power snatch+1 hang snatch 
B) 5x1 full snatch w/ 80% (185)
C) 3x8 DB bench press
D) EMOM(10)- 3 MUs and 10 box jumps to 24" (first 5 rounds were bar MUs and last 5 rounds were ring MUs)

A) 175
B) 80s, 90s, 95s

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


24hr FAST & REST
*After a long Thanksgiving break worth of eating poorly and highly sedentary behavior, Monday gave me a day to attempt to restart my digestive tract and get back to my paleo eating habits. Along with this revelation, I also will be backing off of the enormous amount of strength work that I've been doing lately and focus more so on a holistic approach to fitness that better translates to overall skill development, athleticism, explosiveness, and adaptability to the outdoors. For the next couple of weeks, I will be working out based largely off of listening to my own body on a daily basis. I miss rock climbing, swimming, moving odd objects, etc. and it's more than due time to incorporate these aspects of fitness back into my training. This being said, I will still be following a semi-structured strength program.
                                         ^(This is so awesome!)

A) For time: 10 to 1 strict pull-ups and 1 to 10 handstand push-ups between sets of pull-ups (5 burpee penalty for every time you either fall from the pull-up bar during any given set or come off of the wall during handstand push-ups)
B) 2RM snatch grip deadlift
C) 5x5 push jerk (clean from ground)
D) 10min bar muscle-up practice

A) 11:48 *The point of this workout was to go unbroken on as many sets as possible. I dropped from the pull-up bar twice and went completely unbroken on the handstand push-ups, leaving me with ten burpees immediately after the workout.
B) 365
C) 245

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Warm-up: 3rds- 5 burpees, 20m bunny hop, 20m monster walk (wide/deep walking lunge)
A) 7x3 clean and jerks w/ 60-80% (135-225)
B) 5x1 clean grip power snatch
C) 21-15-9: power snatch w/ 95lbs & sledge hammer strikes
D) Core work: 1min hollow hold, 1min superman hold, 1min plank hold

B) 165
C) 4:25

A) 30min row for distance
B) 10min false-grip MU & tuck-up to HSPU practice on rings
C) 3rds w/ 1min rest between- 1min static overhead hold w/ 45lbs bumper plate, 1min MAX rep burpees, 1min MAX rep alternating jump lunges
D) MAX distance farmers walk with pinch grip on top of the 45lbs bumpers in each hand

A) 7,715m *rowed sub 2:00m/500m pace for the first 20min & again the last 5min
C) 88-82-80=250 total reps




Warm-up: 3rds- 10 russian swings w/ 2 pood KB, 5 american swings w/ 2 pood KB
-then 20 squats, 20 lunges
A) 2RM front squat
B) 5x1 power snatch+1 hang squat snatch+1 high-hang squat snatch+1 full snatch
C) 1x5 full snatch w/ 80% (185)
D) For time: 20 alternating TGUs w/ 2 pood KB
-2min rest
100 double-unders for time

A) 315
B) 175
D) 6:10/0:55 *double-unders were unbroken

2+ hours of playing volleyball and racquetball

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Warm-up: 800m run, 20 box squats with empty barbell
A) 12x2 DE high bar/close stance box squat w/ 50% (205)+chains
B) 4x6 zercher squat
C) 1) 3x20 supermans, 2) 3x20 oblique crunches w/ 80lbs DB each side
D) 7xpower snatch+full snatch w/ 60-80% (135-185)
E) 100 unbroken Russian KB swings w/ 2 pood

B) 135, 225, 275, 315


Warm-up: 5min AMRAP- 250m row, 3 caterpillar walks
A) 10x3 DE close-grip bench w/ 50% (135)+chains
B) 5x3 strict press w/ DBs
C) 3x8 bent over rows w/ reverse grip
D) 2x15 C2B pull-ups w/ 1min rest between
-1min rest
2x20 kipping pull-ups w/ 1min rest between
-5min rest
1xMAX rep strict pull-ups

B) 65, 70, 75, 75, 70
C) 185, 185, 185
D) 8


A) Run half marathon

A) 1:57 *I'm very proud of my dad for completing his first half marathon and I'm glad I survived!


Warm-up: 1000m row, 20 push-ups, 20 air squats, 20 walking lunges
A) 50 box squats with empty barbell+chains (used different stances throughout)
B) 5RM sumo deadlifts
C) For time: 5rds of Cindy(5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)+5rds of Mary (5 HSPUs, 10 pistols, 15 pull-ups)
D) 50 T2Bs

B) 405 
C) 9:35

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Warm-up: 500m strapless row, 400m run, 20 walking lunges, 20 air squats
A) 1RM high bar/close stance back squat
B) 5x2 position clean+jerk
C) 3x15 banded leg curls (each leg)
D) 3x15 hanging knee raises (last set was hanging straight leg raises)

A) 405
B) 245


Warm-up: DB shoulder complex (10 front raises, 10 lateral raises, 10 rear raises), 5 caterpillar walks, 10 push-ups
A) Close-grip bench press- 85% (230)x5, 90% (245)x3, 100% (270)x1
B) 2x10 french presses with tricep bar
C) 1x20 banded tricep push-downs
D) 3RM weighted pull-up
E) 4x5 weighted pull-ups w/ 50% (different grips)
F) Death by MUs w/ 10min cap- subtract the # of minutes left from 10 and multiply by 5 burpee penalty performed immediately afterwards
-rest 5min
Death by MUs w/ 10min cap- subtract the # of minutes left from 10 and multiply by 3 wall climb penalty performed immediately afterwards
-rest 5min
3x150yd hill sprint w/ rest being the time it takes to walk back to start line
(record total # of MUs and time on sprints)

D) 55
F) MUs- 46, Sprint Times- :20, :22, :21


Friday, November 2, 2012



Warm-up: 10min agility ladder drills
A) 10x2 DE high bar/close stance box squat w/ 50% (210)+bands (80+lbs at top)
B) 5x6 wide stance goodmornings
C) 1) 3x12 spread eagle sit-ups w/ 10lbs plate
     2) 3x20 superman rocks
D) 3rds-10 deadlifts w/ 315, 50 double-unders
E) Back lever progressions

B) 135, 185, 205, 225, 245
D) 3:04 *I could definitely tell that the strength programming has been paying off as far as bar speed and trunk stability were concerned in the deadlifts. I've never moved 315 so efficiently in my life!

Warm-up: play the "fish game" on the rowers, then 2rds- 10 rotator cuff raises (each arm), 10 slow dips
A) 8x3 DE close grip bench w/ 55-60% (155-165)+bands (30lbs at top)
B) 4x8 seated DB press w/ no back support
C) 1xMAX rep strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
D) 2x10, 2x20, 1x30 shoulder touches
E) One INTENSE game of racquetball!

B) 55, 60, 60, 60
C) 7 *need to work pull-ups A LOT more

Monday, October 29, 2012



Warm-up: 2rds- 5 hang cleans w/ 40lbs DBs, 10 russian swings w/ 2 pood, 15 squats
A) 8min AMRAP- 1 thruster w/ 95lbs, 1 KB swing w/ 2 pood, 2 thruster, 2 swings.....(ladder until time runs out)
B) 1RM power clean and power jerk (feet stay squared underneath you)

A) 11rds+6 thrusters
B) 255lbs


Warm-up: 4min AMRAP- 250m row, 10 chest-to-deck push-ups
3x5 plyo push-ups to 24" box
A) 1RM close grip bench press
B) 2xMAX time crucifix hold w/ 25lbs DBs
C) 3x12 seated rows
D) 5xhang snatch+high-hang snatch w/ 60-80% (135-185)
E) 7x1 snatch balance w/ 80% (185)
F) Tabata power snatch/push press w/ 95lbs (power snatch the first 4rds & push press the last 4)
-rest 5min
G) For time- 10 burpee MUs (false grip), 20 KB snatch lunges w/ 2 pood, 30 HSPUs, 40 alternating pistols

A) 270
B) :33, :24
F) 7, 8, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10
G) 9:54 *This drained my upper body quickly and, consequently, became VERY slow...

Friday, October 26, 2012


Warm-up: 3rds- 5 strict pull-ups, 10 hollow rocks, 15 back extensions, 20 push-ups, 200m run
A) 1RM deadlift
B) MAX rep bench press w/ 75%
C) 5x8 weighted dips
D) 3x12 cable face pulls
E) 4x10 knees-to-elbows w/ short rest between

A) 455 *tried 485 afterwards and could've got it but didn't want to compromise form too badly...
B) 13 reps
C) 45, 45, 55, 70, 70


Warm-up: 2rds- 20 sledge hammer strikes (10 each side), 15 russian KB swings w/ 2 pood, 20 air squats
A) 12x2 DE deadlift w/ 60% (275)+40lbs chains *first 6 sets conventional, last 6 sets sumo
B) 20RM back squat using 75% of 1RM (315)
C) 10min MU work
D) Med ball sit-ups

B) This was one of the most difficult feats I've done in a long while and it's honestly something I haven't been able to do since high school so I know that my strength is increasing quite a bit!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Warm-up: 4rds- 10 alternating step-ups @24", 10 leg swings each leg (side-to-side on odd rounds & forward and backward on even rounds)
-Then 7x3 seated box jumps HIGH
A) 10x2 DE box squat w/ 45% (175)+90lbs chains
B) 4x5 Bulgarian squat (each leg)
C) 3x20 cable pull-throughs
D) 2x15 cable crunches, 2x20sec L-hang

B) 185, 205, 205, 205

Warm-up: 2rds- rotator cuff complex, 500m strapless row
A) 9x3 DE bench w/ 50% (145)+50lbs chains
B) 4x10 DB incline bench
C) 3x12 tricep push-downs with med ball on dip assist machine
D) 10 Bar MUs, 5min rest, then 10-8-6-4-2 burpees w/ 5-4-3-2-1 ply pull-ups (chin over and touch index fingers on release) between 

B) 70, 70, 75, 70
D) 2:57 (suck at MUs now)/3:14


Warm-up: walking lunges, air squats, goodmornings, and KB swings w/ 1pood
A) Back squat- 5x85% (355), 3x90% (375), 1x95% (395), PR! (425)
B) Clean and jerk- 3x50% (135), 3x55% (155), 3x65% (185)
C) 5 clean and jerks @185 then 20 butterfly pull-ups
D) 3x15 glute-ham raises+15 GHD sit-ups
E) 20min run



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Project SWOLEnation; 10/15-16/12

I have been revamping my programming once again but, finally, I'm starting to go in the right direction. The focus of the next couple of months will be centered around sharpening my fitness skills. The key points to accomplishing this are a solid powerlifting (modified conjugate method) and olympic weightlifting program, greater emphasis on gymnastics, single modality endurance, and various intervals sprinkled in the mix.
Warm-up: 3rds- 12 rear delt swings w/ 15lbs DBs, 5 caterpillar walks
A) ME Bench Press- 85%x5 (245), 90%x3 (255), 95%x1 (275), 100%x0 (285)
B) 5x5 plyo push-ups to MAX box height 
C) 3x8 skull crushers w/ barbell
D) 1000m row @80%, 2min rest, then- (every 2min for 10min) complete 300m row AFAP
E) 7x3 high-hang snatch w/ 60% (145)
F) 9x1 snatch w/ 60-90% (145-205)

B) 24"-32"
C) 90lbs
D) :57-:59

^Prim your pec/shoulder junction for the next time you do upper body!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm beginning a new strength cycle and, so far, it goes as follows...
A) Warm-up: 3rds- 15 hollow rocks, 10 burpees, 5 MUs (false grip/kipping)
B) 1RM bench press
C) 3x15 tricep push-downs w/ resistance band
D) 7x1 full snatch+1 hang snatch+1 snatch balance w/ 60% (135)

B) 285

A) Warm-up: 5rds- 10 KB Russian swings w/ 55lbs, 10 squats
B) 12x3 DE box squat w/ bands @45% bar weight (185)
C) 3x5 front squats w/ 3sec pause at bottom HEAVY
D) 3x15 dimel deadlifts w/ 225
E) EMOM(10)- 12 ab wheels on odd minutes (4 right, 4 left, 4 middle), 6 knee jumps on even minutes

C) 225, 2x235

Hell Hath Begun....

So the vegan diet has officially begun and, I must admit, it is already eating away at my soul but I'll live! Here's a little artwork I made to doodle out my tummy frustrations. Hope you enjoy...

Friday, October 5, 2012



A) 2x500m row (ALL OUT!)
B) 20RM squat w/ 70% 1RM (285)
C) A ton of cleans and hang cleans w/ 135-185 (technique practice)
D) 10min strict MU and skin-the-cat practice on rings

A) 1:28, 1:34
D) *Today was the first time I attempted a strict MU from a fully extended arm position (dead hang) and not only did I successfully get one but I got two!:D


The Experiment

After much anticipation, I am finally going to let everyone in on a little self experiment that I will be partaking in for the next 4 weeks starting on Oct. 8. I get a lot of people asking me about proper nutrition and when I advocate meats, fish, and other animal products, people tend to get weary because society has pushed "low-fat", moderate protein, and vegan/vegetarian trends for so long. This being said, I've decided to make myself into a living example that we, as human beings, are meant to eat MEAT! For the past three weeks, I've been dialing in my nutrition and yesterday I finally got my blood work done as well as recording my vitals and body weight. NOW, FOR THE NEXT 4 WEEKS I WILL BECOME A VEGAN! Then, I will retest and hopefully I can prove once and for all that what we consider a healthy lifestyle isn't so healthy after all. Saturday, I will be getting a "Crossfit Total" with a 1RM deadlift, squat, and overhead press which will primarily track whether or not I can retain lean body mass and, consequently, my strength over the upcoming month of mayhem!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What it means to be fit...
If you find the time, please go read this short essay about what it means to be fit. It's never a good time to start making excuses and setting limitations on yourself from insecurity or laziness. You know you're lost in the moment when "you’re certain you will be more successful, more adventurous, and more fit every day thereafter."

^Take a hard look at the athletes above. No particular person views themselves as incapable of success and yet you would think the third would have every reason to.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This is a workout I did at the Mabank High School over the summer..
3rounds: 15 hang power cleans w/ 135, 15 burpees



A) 3RM low bar wide stance back squat w/ 70lbs of chain
B) 2RM power snatch
C) EMOM(10)- 15 GHD sit-ups on odd minutes and 2 strict MUs on even minutes (sub in 2 kipping/false grip MUs if you can't get strict)
D) 50-40-30-20-10 KB swings w/ 2 pood and 25-20-15-10-5 burpees between

A) 345+chains
B) 185
D) 11:36


A) 12x3 DE floor press w/ 60% (175) w/ 20lbs of chain
B) 7rds- 2 bar MUs, 3 forward rolls, 5 wall climbs, 7 toes-to-bars, 9 box jumps @32"
C) 2x"Dbramb Complex": 2 strict presses, 4 push presses, 6 split jerks, and 8 thrusters with axle (fat, non-rotating bar) and then 50 double-unders w/ 6min rest between attempts

B) 17:25 @90%
C) 155, 165

Friday, September 28, 2012


Finally, what you have all been waiting for! This is me at McKinney Gym Equipment tackling their 203lbs kettlebell..

Back to the Drawing Board...9/25-27/12

Rest Day

A) High bar close stance back squat- 85%x5 (345), 90%x3 (365), 95%x1 (385), *couldn't reach 100% or over because of technical issues. I've developed a bit of quad dominance from excessive oly lifting and, consequently, was shifting forward on the initial ascent of my squat..(frustration!)
B) EMOM(12)- 1) every odd minute perform 3 strict C2B pull-ups, 4 kipping C2B pull-ups, and 5 butterfly C2B pull-ups 2) every even minute perform a 40yd dash the first even minute, pro agility the second even minute, and standing broad jump the third even minute then recycle for the following series of three even minutes:
Minutes- 2x
1: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
2: 40yd dash
3: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
4: pro agility
5: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
6: standing broad jump
                                         ^Assessing shoulder mobility!!!
A) 10min row @80-90%
B) Partner WOD: 5rds- 30 alternating push-ups (15 each), 20 alternating tractor tire in-and-outs (10 each w/ forward, side-to-side, and backward variations
C) 3x15sec hollow body hold+5 hollow rocks w/ 1min rest
D) 5x1 bar pull-over+5 straight bar dips

I'm going to start tinkering around with my training slightly and will shift my primary focus over to becoming much more proficient with my oly lifting technique, becoming a better gymnast, and being more athletic. My powerlifting will stay the same but I will tune down the conditioning volume as well as decrease my oly lifts down to 60% each and add 5% every 1-2 weeks as I see fit so that I can focus hard on my technique and speed under the bar.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taking it Easy..9/23-24/12

*Today, I just did a whole lotta nothin'!
                                         ^This will get you ready to go ass-2-grass next time you squat!
A) 1RM floor press
B) 1) 4x10 DB one arm push press (5 reps each side)
     2) 4x12 pronated grip supinated rows to bar
C) 10min of strict MU work

A) 295
B) 1) 90, 90, 100, 100

Saturday, September 22, 2012


A) 12x3 DE back squat DEEP w/ 60% (245) & 40sec rest
B) EMOM(10)- 1 clean+1 hang clean+1 split jerk w/ 80% (225)
C) 21-15-9: deadlifts w/ 235 and overhead squats w/ 135

C) 4:45
                                          ^LEARN HOW TO STAND!!! 9/22/12:
A) 3rds @90%- 1000m row and 800m run
*rest 5min
B) tread water for 10min
C) 15min ring MU practice
D) 1min hollow hold+1min superman hold

A) 22:30
*I'm extremely sore from yesterday so I spent A LOT of time with my massage stick and doing PNF with a resistance band. A muscle mash party will probably happen before the night is over fo sho!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back At It! 9/17-19/12

A) 1RM high bar/close stance back squat
B) 4x5 touch-n-go cleans w/ 70% (195)
C) 6x2 hang snatch high pulls w/ 80-85% (155-185)
D) 2rds- 500m row, 30 box jumps @36", 500m row, 20 burpee box jump-overs @24"
E) 3x20sec L-sit hang w/ 2min rest

A) 395 (almost 405) *going DEEP on these to simulate the bottom of a clean
D) 17:47

A) 5rds(not for time)- 5 bar pull-over, 10 hollow rocks
B) 3 legless rope climbs @18' w/ 2min rest and then 2 regular rope climbs back-to-back

A) 10x2 DE strict press w/ 50% bar weight (95)+40lbs in chains & 30sec rest
B) 7x3 Rack jerk HEAVY
C) 3x8 DB bench w/ vertical hand positioning (like holding a football bar)
D) 7rds- 10 wall balls, 10 pull-ups
E) 2xMAX rep strict ring dips
F) 2xMAX distance handstand walk

B) 275
C) 80s, 85s, 90s
D) 4:22
E) 22, 16
F) 27yd, 25yd *definitely fatigued at this point!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fri-Sun, April 6-8, 2012

Friday 4/6/12:
A) Test 1RM snatch
B) 4x5 HEAVY high pulls w/ 10sec rest between reps and unlimited rest between sets
C) 10 front squats w/ 225lbs AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

A) 215lbs *Was feeling extra tight and lacked the explosiveness needed to go any higher but I have more left in the tank
B) 225x1/245x2/265x1

Saturday 4/7/12:
Today, I celebrated Easter early with my family and stuffed myself on all of the delicious AWESOMENESS!

Sunday 4/8/12:

Warm-up- 5min build up on woodway treadmill, band mobility for hips/hamstrings/ankles/lats/triceps, 500m EZ row
A) 20min AMRAP- 300m row, 10 chest-2-deck push-ups, 20 DB swings w/ 55lbs

A) 8rounds EXACTLY *My approach to this workout was simply to keep moving and maintain a decent pace around 85-90% MAX capacity

I've been incorporating about 10-15min of warm-up and cool-down on either side of my workouts recently and I've noticed major improvements in maintaining mobility and releasing lactate hours after the workout and even into the next day! If you aren't taking this stuff seriously, you definitely should.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tue-Thur, April 3-5, 2012

Tuesday 4/3/12:

Wednesday 4/4/12:
Warm-up- Foam Rolling, Thoracic Spine Mobility, and Anterior/Posterior Hip
A) Work up to HEAVY 1rep high bar olympic squat *REST 3min* HEAVY 1 rep front squat
B) Swimming- 100m freestyle warm-up, 3x200m freestyle, 3x150m (freestyle 100m, breast 50m), 4x25m back kick/25m breast kick, 150m cool down (choice)
C) 5-4-3-2-1 rep ladder of clean and jerks w/ 205lbs and 10-8-6-4-2 rep ladder of muscle-ups between C&Js

A) 370lbs/315lbs
C) 10:45 *Muscle-ups are coming along but need to improve greatly

Thursday 4/5/12:
A) 3rds- 10 T2Bs, 1 bar pull-over, 10 straight bar dips, 20yd walking lunge, 20yd handstand walk
*4hr REST*
B) ME 2RM banded bench press
C) 5x3 skin the cats for MAX length
D) 4rds w/ 2min rest between rounds- 9 banded push-ups, 12 lateral box jumps @24", 15 v-ups, 400m run

A) 6:02
B) 225lbs bar weight+bands
D) 2:42/2:41/2:45/2:50

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mon, April 2, 2012

Monday 3/2/12:
*Foam Rolling and 3-Direction Splits*
A) Swimming- 100m freestyle EZ, 6x50m freestyle @1:30, 4x25m kick (flutter, back, and breast), 550m pull drill w/ pull buoy, 4x50m (25m freestyle, 25m back/breast) @1:30, 3x100m (50m freestyle, 50m breast), 1x150m cool-down
B) 5rds- 50 squats, 20yd underwater swim (can come up for air any time but must tread in place while breathing)
*3hr REST*
C) 100 pull-ups (25 strict w/ pronated grip, 25 strict w/ supinated grip, 50 butterfly or kipping), 100 evil wheels (ab rollers)
D) 3x15 supinated rows to bar w/ various grips

B) 7:31 *My lungs were pretty gassed coming into this workout from finishing up my swim conditioning class
C) 17:45 *The pull-ups took me 6:40 so the evil wheels were the limiting factor here!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fri-Sun, March 30-April 1, 2012

Friday 3/30/12:
*General Mobility and Foam Rolling w/ Emphasis on Hamstrings/Glutes/Hips*
Warm-up: 2/3 mile run and 500m row @75%
A) 2k row TT
B) 10min back squat pyramid- perform 1 squat the first minute, 2 the second, and so-on-and-so-forth w/ bodyweight on bar (185lbs)

A) 6:48 *a new PR!

Saturday 3/31/12:
*Active Recovery at Lake Ray Roberts State Park*
Today, sir Robert Dominguez and madam Shannon Baughman joined me at Lake Ray Roberts State Park for some easy hiking and fun on the beach. We hiked the intermediate to advance bike trails for about an hour and a half and then made our way to the beach where I swam for about 30min out in the deep water while the others attempted to get their shoulders in the FREEZING cold water haha! We later took turns burying each other in the sand soooooo...yah lol.

Sunday 4/1/12:
Warm-up: Posing for Rob's class assignment pictures in indigenous squat position and playing around with handstands on parrellete bars
A) 3rds- 10 squat clean thrusters w/ 135lbs, 20 ring dips
B) Rock Climbing- 1x5.8, 1x5.8+

A) 7:42 *I programmed this for myself to address my weakness with moving moderate loads under high volume and just performing highly coordinated bodyweight movements in general. All-in-all, this WOD was very productive.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tue-Thur, March 27-29, 2012

Tuesday 3/27/12:
A) For 10min- every even minute perform 5MUs and every odd minute perform 10 GHD sit-ups
B) 10x10 kettlebell swings w/ 1.5pood (55lbs) and 10sec rest between sets
*6hr REST*
C) "Whitten": 5rds- 22 KB swings w/ 2pood (72lbs), 22 box jumps @ 24" (games standard), 400m run, 22 burpees, 22 wall-balls

A&B) Jacob Kelly, Mark Linsky, and I ventured up to Crossfit NTX to work with some selective equipment such as the GHDs, prowlers, etc. My hamstring was feeling a little tight this morning so I decided to turn this opportunity into a lower intensity skill session, working solely on muscle-up proficiency and decent ROM on the GHD sit-ups and KB swings.
C) 31:06 *I was looking to do a longer duration WOD to see where my conditioning is taking me and actually PR'd! Also, just a side note, I used the new games standard for the box jumps where you must stand to full extension at the hips, knees, and ankles before jumping off of the box.

Wednesday 3/28/12:
A) 100m freestyle warm-up, 2x150m @2:30, 1x200m, 3x100m mix (50m freestyle, 50m back, 50m freestyle, 50m breast), 5min freestyle pulling drills with pull buoys, 2x25m freestyle sprint (ALL OUT!!!)
B) EMOM(10)- 1x18m underwater swim; rest 3min; 1x36m underwater swim (down and back)

A) I timed my 200m freestyle at 3:42 so I definitely need to develop speed but, then again, I won the second 25m sprint to leave the pool early haha!
B) I have a relatively hard time holding my breath underwater so doing under water swimming was definitely going to be a struggle for me. However, over time I've learned to be more relaxed and regain much more composure during oxygen debt so I kind of surprised myself with completing all of the prescribed sets as well as making it across the full length of the diving well and back at once. Wanting to expand my lung capacity a bit more before regionals, this was an idea courtesy of sir John McIntosh who did them with me.

Thursday 3/29/12:
A) 1RM strict press overhead
B) EMOM(10)- 1 split jerk w/ 90% of old 1RM (285lbs)
C) (not for time; EZ pace)- 3x1 legless 18' rope ascent w/ leg assist on descent and 1min handstand hold against wall+3x1 regular rope ascents w/ legless descents and 1min handstand hold against wall

A) 180lbs *Not a PR but, given my volume of training, not too bad
B) 255lbs 
C) Rope climbs were EXTREMELY hard legless but I managed to work through each set but did them at a fairly slow pace

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sat-Mon, March 24-26, 2012

Saturday 3/24/12:
Rock Climbing and Bouldering- 1x5.8, 1x5.8+, V0-V1 bouldering

Sunday 3/25/12:
A) Last Open WOD 12.5: 7min AMRAP- ascending ladder of 3 thrusters w/ 100lbs barbell, 3 CTB pull-ups, 6 & 6, 9 & 9, 12 & 12, 15 & 15, 18 & 18, and so-on-and-so-forth until time expires

A) 121 reps= 4 series+13 CTB pull-ups

Monday 3/26/12:
Warm-up: 1 mile EZ run+heavy hip and thoracic spine mobility
A) 8x1 Hang Power Snatch 
B) 3RM Goodmorning w/ double chains on each side (approx. 90-100lbs of added resistance at top)
C) 9x3 E(40)O(40) DE Mid-Grip Bench (thumb distance from smooth) w/ 165lbs
*1hr REST*
D) EMOM(10min)- run 100m in under 15sec *Add up every second over 15sec for each slow run at the end and multiply by 5 for the number of reps of penalty burpees

A) 2x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x185, 1x195 attempt *195 is considered a no rep because, despite getting the lift, I had to do a full squat to receive the bar
B) 245lbs+double chains
C) Kept speed of each set around 6sec
D) :13, :12, :13, :13, :13, :13, :13, :14, :15, -- *Had to stop after the 9th run because I felt a pretty bad twinge in my right hamstring but it's not too bad so training will continue around the injury

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mon-Fri, March 19-23, 2012

Monday 3/19/12:
Kayleigh and I began our vacation at Hot Springs, AR today and, with all of the driving, sight-seeing, and whatnot, I didn't have much time or will power to get in a workout today.

Tuesday 3/20/12:
A) 10min TT run on treadmill
*3min REST*
B) 10-8-6-4-2 HSPU ladder w/ 30 alternating jumping lunges between each set

A) 1.7miles
B) 3:54
*We went to tour one of Hot Spring's oldest bath house today and it had a full gymnasium upstairs! IT WAS AWESOME! I really super badly wanted to jump the rail and do a muscle-up on the old rings haha.

Wednesday 3/21/12:

Thursday 3/22/12:
*TONS of hip and thoracic spine mobility to doctor up my rack position for overhead pressing
A) 1000m row @95%
B) 1RM power clean and jerk
C) 3X3 "NO-NO" squats

D) 5.8 & 5.8+ rock climbs w/ some extra bouldering

A) 3:22
B) 255lbs
C) 225-315-340lbs.

Friday 3/23/12:
A) 3RM Overhead Squat
B) 6x1 Deadlifts w/ 405lbs
C) "Diane": 21-15-9 Deadlifts w/ 225lbs & HSPUs

A) 275lbs
*Sorry for the crappy video quality:P
B) Just working on keeping a rigid lumbar curve throughout the entire range of motion
C) 2:36 *A new PR!:D

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tue-Sun, March 13-18, 2012

Tuesday 3/13/12:
Warm-up- 1mile EZ run
A) DE bench press clusters with chains- 3x3*3*3 reps E(30)O(30) w/ 1min rest after every cluster (weight increased 10lbs every cluster)
B) Heavy power cleans at random
C) 2009 Crossfit Games Chipper- 15 SC w/ 155lbs, 30 T2Bs, 30 box jumps @24", 10 MUs, 30 DB push press w/ 40lbs DBs, 30 DUs, 15 thrusters w/ 135lbs, 30 pull-ups, 30 burpees, 300' overhead walking lunges w/ 45lbs bumper plate

A) 145lbs/155lbs/165lbs
B) Worked up to 255lbs *my oly lifting mechanics were a tad off but all-in-all not bad for little focus on it for the past 2 weeks
C) 18:28

Wednesday 3/14/12:

Thursday 3/15/12:
At this point in my training, I thought I'd give myself a small break and just simply PLAY! Throughout the day, I was climbing up trees, scaling the sides of dorm building, getting in a couple of challenging 5.8+ rock climbs, and shooting hoops with friends. There was quite a bit of activity but nowhere near the same intensity as most training days.

Friday 3/16/12:
A) (2012 Reebok Crossfit Open WOD 12.4) 12min AMRAP- 150 wall-balls w/ 20lbs ball, 90 DUs, 30 MUs

A) 150 wall-balls+90 DUs+14 MUs=254 reps

Saturday 3/17/12:
Jacob Hamilton, Robert Dominguez, and I ventured out on some hiking trails near the haunted Goatman's Bridge on Old Alton Rd just outside of Denton and had a free-for-all climbing trees, throwing stuff in the Copper Canyon River, and the likes. After a while we got pretty bored and decided to head back. Fortunately we somehow found ourself lost, seeking out this enormous hill that overlooks the better part of North Denton. We eventually rolled up on this glorious hill directly next to 35 South heading to Fort Worth, looming over a ranch. Parking on the side of the highway, we made quick work of jumping the fence and, for our WOD, we did a timed A) run up a STEEP 500m hill to the overlook. Whenever we reached the summit, we found an awesome view from atop a series of colossal rock faces jutting out of the side of the hilltop. The rest, my dear followers, is history!
B) 5rds- DB complex of 5 DLs, 5 HSCs, 5 thrusters w/ 40lbs DBs, jumping pulls up 4 flights of stairs w/ active REST during the stair descent (roughly 23sec of rest)

A) 2:11
B) :44/:46/:45/:42/:37 *time was measured in how fast I completed the DB complex and ascended all 4 flights of stairs

Sunday 3/18/12:
Tonight, Kayleigh and I are getting ready to head to Hot Springs, Arkansas early tomorrow morning for a 3 day vacation! I will be blogging my workouts while on vacation and will be getting rather creative with my surroundings so if you've ever had trouble figuring out how to devise a workout while on a vacation or trip, tune it for some ideas.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sun-Mon, March 11-12, 2012

Sunday 3/11/12:
Warm-up: EZ run to rec center & heavy PNF with jump-stretch bands (hips/ankles/shoulder girdle)
A) ME front squat- 4x2 w/ bands (not quite sure the exact max tension) to low box (inch below parallel)
B) E(30)O(30)x15sets- perform 3 speed sumo deadlifts w/ 50% 1RM bar weight+chains
C) 10min work on L-sit pull-ups
*4hr REST*
D) 5rds- 10 burpee-clean-and-jerks w/ 40lbs DBs, MAX rep CTB pull-ups on fat bar, 50 air squats

A) 255+bandsx2

B) 255+chains *the point of the high volume (15 sets) on the 30sec was to hone in on maintaining good bar speed through fatique

D) 17:36; CTB reps- 25/17/15/15/12
^Demo of burpee-clean-and-jerk minus the squat cleans (power clean instead)

Monday 3/12/12:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wed-Fri, March 7-9, 2012

Wednesday 3/7/12:
*Did quite a bit of spontaneous jogging around campus if that counts for anything...
A) Swim Conditioning- 3x50m warm-up freestyle EZ, 3x100m freestyle on 2:30, 1x150m freestyle, 3x50m of 25m freestyle/25m back on 1:30, 1x50m freestyle kick, 1x50m back kick, 300m pull with pull buoy, 100m cool-down choice (breast)
B) Build up to 1RM bench w/ 50lbs of band tension and 40-50lbs of chains
C) 5rds- 7 squat clean thrusters of 35lbs DBs, 10 pull-ups

A) Swim class today was designed to gather some decent distance and that we did! I need to continue to work on the mechanics of my back stroke and be conscious of finishing each stroke on the freestyle.
B) 225lbs of bar weight+chains & bands
C) 3:56 *I had to do this in the rec center where the pull-up bars are coated in rubber pads that rotate and make for a sick grip torture device. For future note, I need to be weary of not losing lumbar curve when moving DBs.

Thursday 3/8/12:
Rode bikes today with John McIntosh and Trent Stiles to The Cupboard to enjoy some nice organic munchies! Also, I was very adamant to mobilize my achilles, hamstrings, shoulders, lats, and thoracic region throughout the entire day in preparation for my attempt at WOD 12.3 of the Crossfit Open tomorrow.

Friday 3/9/12:
A) 18min. AMRAP- 15 box jumps @24", 12 push presses w/ 115lbs, 9 toes-to-bars
B) Hot-cold treatment at my beautiful girlfriend, Kayleigh Johnson's, apartments- 10min in hot tub, 2min in pool, 5min in hot tub, 5min in pool, 5min in hot tub, 3min in pool, DONE!

A) 10rds+6T2Bs=393 reps *Since the weather outside has been rather crappy, we decided to hit up Denton's local crossfit affiliate, Crossfit NTX, to film this brutal BEAST! Although the "push presses" apparently meant "shoulder to overhead, anyway", I did strict push presses the entire workout. I was hoping to at least crest low 400s in my reps but my poor performance on the T2Bs whenever I was extremely fatigued cost me quite a bit; more weaknesses to work on I guess!
B) COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *I feel amazing the next day though:P

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mon-Tues, March 5-6, 2012

Monday 3/5/12:
I was feeling EXTREMELY tight today in my hamstrings and hip flexors from the sprint work and thought that, quite frankly, moving excessively or even fluidly, for that matter, was NOT an option:P. However, due to swim class, I did some light swimming for slightly less than an hour and went on with my marry day. Also, I did a lot of hamstring/quad/psoas tacking, flossing, and foam rolling to help aid in a potentially speedy recovery.
A) Pull tractor tire w/ 45lbs bumper- face pullsx20reps, standing rowsx20reps, side trunk twistx20repsxboth sides, 2x40m slow narrow-stance walks
*trying to facilitate early lactic acid release along with band mobility

Tuesday 3/6/12:
Hamstring/Posterior Hip Mobility
A) 20min AMRAP- 3 muscle-ups, 2 clean and jerks w/ 205lbs axle (extra thick, non-rotating bar), 1 18' rope climb, 400m run (200m up hill/200m down)

A) 6 rounds...BARELY!
*Strangely enough, I'm still crazy sore from Sunday so I'm pushing my training volume back a bit and I'm looking to continue stringing multiple low volume days together in a row for the next couple of weeks. Today, Mark and I had the honor of being filmed by sir Thomas Tapp of (link provided on side) as he is currently trying to introduce his parkour audience to more cross training that would greatly benefit their speed, agility, strength, explosiveness, and flexibility! This dude and his crew are awesome at what they do and I highly recommend you go check 'em out.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sun, March 4, 2012

Sunday, 3/4/12:

A) 5x3 skin the cats, 2min middle splits

B) 12x2 DE close grip bench w/ green jump-stretch bands

C) 1RM high bar box squat w/ wide stance and chains

*4hr REST*

D) 9x40yd ALL OUT sprints; 3 regular, 3 from push-up position, 3 from lying on back

E) 3x400m runs @95% w/ 3min rest between

B) w/ 40sec rest between sets- 115lbs+bandsx2, 125lbs+bandsx3, 135lbs+bandsx7

C) 355lbs+chains (chains add roughly 70-80lbs to the top of the squat)

D) *Clocked in possibly a 4.8-4.9 on the regulars which isn't too shabby for not doing any sprint work at 185lbs BW

E) 1:04, 1:06, 1:09

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thur-Sat, March 1-3, 2012

Thursday 3/1/12:
Today was the last day of my morning crossfit class and since the pinnacle of the fitness pyramid is learning and playing new sports, we played some indoor soccer today! It was the first time I've played in my entire life and, by-golly, I scored once! Aside from that, I focused my mobilization on every facet of my hips, lats, thoracic, and triceps to hopefully develop a better rack position for the barbell in my oly lifting. I also did a 5min EZ row and 5min EZ cycle at 8.5-9rpm's.

Friday 3/2/12:
30 snatches w/ 75lbs
30 snatches w/ 135lbs
30 snatches w/ 165lbs
MAX rep snatches for remainder of time w/ 210lbs
*After driving slightly over 300 miles collectively and sitting in the bleachers for hours watching my little sis rock her regional powerlifting meet (who qualified for state BTW), my psoas was extremely tight and admittedly had some favorable internal rotation in my shoulders. That being said, I was feeling rather anxious and HAD to get in the second crossfit open WOD so, following my rather intimate date with my lacrosse ball, foam roller, and jump-stretch band, I completed my second workout with success courtesy of Mark and his girlfriend, Brooklyn. Thanks guys!
A) 76 reps *Because the snatch is such a weakness of mine (as evident of the 5 additional reps I couldn't count), I will be working a lot on oly technique to supplement my training

Saturday 3/3/12:
A) Sled Pulls- 80m wide stance walk w/ 45lbs bumper, 40m wide stance walk w/ 2x45lbs bumpers, 2x40m narrow stance walk w/ 2x45lbs bumpers, 40m backwards drag w/ 3x45lbs bumpers
B) For Time- 100 DUs, 20 ring HSPUs, 40 KB swings w/ 70lbs, 80 abmat sit-ups, 40 pull-ups, 20 wall-climbs, 100 DUs
*1min REST*
C) Cash Out- 20 alternating pistols (one-legged squats)

A) Mark and did these with a small tractor tire and harness; the bumper plates fit perfectly on top of the tire. I will certainly be incorporating more of these in my workouts.
B) 14:27 *Did my first 100 DUs unbroken and went through the workout trying out multiple, very short rest periods such as doing 20 pull-ups and coming off for only a few seconds before hitting 10 more.
C) Ever since I injured my left knee last year in preparation for the crossfit open, my ROM hasn't been extremely great or comfortable when doing a pistol but, nonetheless, they might very easily show up in competition sometime soon so I need to start programming them in!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tue-Wed, February 28-29, 2012

Tuesday 2/28/12:
Went to the chiropractor for the first time today and couldn't believe how much a simple 5min adjustment could honestly help! Aside from instructing my morning crossfit class and running between classes, not much activity on my part today. 

Wednesday 2/29/12:
A) Work up to 1RM BS, 5min rest, work up to 1RM FS
20min REST
B) Warm-up-100m EZ freestyle, 50m freestyle kick, 50m breast stroke kick, 50m back stroke kick
Work Sets-6x25m w/ 15sec. rest between efforts, 6x50m on 1:15, 2x100m of 25m free, 25m back, 25m breast, 25m back
Cool Down-1x100m EZ breast stroke
4hr REST
C) .5 mile EZ run, 500m row; fluctuated 70-90% effort every 100m, 500m row TT, 1000m EZ row, .5 mile EZ run
20min REST
D) Jumping MUs for 5-4-3-2-1 reps w/ 1min rest between, 10 supinated bar pull-overs; slow pace, 3xMAX rep fat bar MUs
5hr. REST
E) Technical work on snatch, WOD: 5-4-3-2-1 of power clean and jerk w/ 225, 300m run between efforts (150m uphill, 150m downhill)

A) 410/330 *More in the tank on both but a good baseline for now
C) 1:26 *New PR by 3sec!
D) 5, 4, 4
E) 11:07 *Took it at about 90% effort and rested FAR too long between attempts. Need to work on moving moderate to heavy loads a ton quicker!