Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mon-Tues, March 5-6, 2012

Monday 3/5/12:
I was feeling EXTREMELY tight today in my hamstrings and hip flexors from the sprint work and thought that, quite frankly, moving excessively or even fluidly, for that matter, was NOT an option:P. However, due to swim class, I did some light swimming for slightly less than an hour and went on with my marry day. Also, I did a lot of hamstring/quad/psoas tacking, flossing, and foam rolling to help aid in a potentially speedy recovery.
A) Pull tractor tire w/ 45lbs bumper- face pullsx20reps, standing rowsx20reps, side trunk twistx20repsxboth sides, 2x40m slow narrow-stance walks
*trying to facilitate early lactic acid release along with band mobility

Tuesday 3/6/12:
Hamstring/Posterior Hip Mobility
A) 20min AMRAP- 3 muscle-ups, 2 clean and jerks w/ 205lbs axle (extra thick, non-rotating bar), 1 18' rope climb, 400m run (200m up hill/200m down)

A) 6 rounds...BARELY!
*Strangely enough, I'm still crazy sore from Sunday so I'm pushing my training volume back a bit and I'm looking to continue stringing multiple low volume days together in a row for the next couple of weeks. Today, Mark and I had the honor of being filmed by sir Thomas Tapp of (link provided on side) as he is currently trying to introduce his parkour audience to more cross training that would greatly benefit their speed, agility, strength, explosiveness, and flexibility! This dude and his crew are awesome at what they do and I highly recommend you go check 'em out.

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