Saturday, December 15, 2012


I'm back to a more regimented strength template now but, with it being crunched down to three days of the week now instead of four, I have more time to sprinkle in a ton of other components of fitness such as movnat, parkour, endurance, etc. Here's a little taste.

Warm-up: 15 leg swings forward and backward (each leg), 15 lateral legs swings (each leg), 20 slow air squats
A) 2RM box squat
B) 3x12 banded leg curls
C) 3x15 cable crunches w/ 20sec hollow body hold immediately after each set and 2min rest between
D) 7x3 postion snatch HEAVY
E) For time- 30 overhead squats w/ 95lbs, 7 MUs, 20 overhead squats, 5 MUs

A) 375
D) 135, 155, 175, 185, 155, 155, 135
E) Don't want to talk about it.... (my muscle-ups need some major work)

A) 2x3 rounds- movnat tree circuit w/ 5min rest between attempts (beat my first set by a whole minute)
B) Climbing free play
C) 15min continuous run partitioned in 3min increments:
The first 2min- run @60-70%
The last 1min- run @80-90%

A) 4:00/2:57
C) 2.10 miles total

Warm-up: 800m run, 2x10 rotator cuff raises w/ 12lbs (each arm), 20 C2D push-ups slow
A) 9x3 DE close-grip bench press w/ 50% (135)+40-50lbs of chains
B) 4x8 DB incline bench press w/ 10 strict pull-ups performed immediately after each set and w/ 2min rest between sets following pull-ups
C) From the ground (power clean; keep in rack position w/ no drops)- 5x1 push press+2 power jerks+3 split jerks
D) 3x10 pendlay rows

B) 70, 75, 75, 70
C) 135, 155, 185, 205, 225
D) 135, 155, 165

Warm-up: 400m run @60-80%, then 4rds- 10 lateral hurdle pass-unders @36", 10 lateral hurdle step-overs @32"
A) 8x4 corner cone drill
B) 4xNFL combine shuttle (5-10-5)
C) 5x5yd sprints, 5yd back pedal, 10yd sprint, 10yd back pedal, 20yd all-out sprint to finish


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