Rock Climbing and Bouldering- 1x5.8, 1x5.8+, V0-V1 bouldering
Sunday 3/25/12:
A) Last Open WOD 12.5: 7min AMRAP- ascending ladder of 3 thrusters w/ 100lbs barbell, 3 CTB pull-ups, 6 & 6, 9 & 9, 12 & 12, 15 & 15, 18 & 18, and so-on-and-so-forth until time expires
A) 121 reps= 4 series+13 CTB pull-ups
Monday 3/26/12:
Warm-up: 1 mile EZ run+heavy hip and thoracic spine mobility
A) 8x1 Hang Power Snatch
B) 3RM Goodmorning w/ double chains on each side (approx. 90-100lbs of added resistance at top)
C) 9x3 E(40)O(40) DE Mid-Grip Bench (thumb distance from smooth) w/ 165lbs
*1hr REST*
D) EMOM(10min)- run 100m in under 15sec *Add up every second over 15sec for each slow run at the end and multiply by 5 for the number of reps of penalty burpees
A) 2x135, 2x155, 1x165, 1x175, 1x185, 1x195 attempt *195 is considered a no rep because, despite getting the lift, I had to do a full squat to receive the bar
B) 245lbs+double chains
C) Kept speed of each set around 6sec
D) :13, :12, :13, :13, :13, :13, :13, :14, :15, -- *Had to stop after the 9th run because I felt a pretty bad twinge in my right hamstring but it's not too bad so training will continue around the injury
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