Monday, October 29, 2012



Warm-up: 2rds- 5 hang cleans w/ 40lbs DBs, 10 russian swings w/ 2 pood, 15 squats
A) 8min AMRAP- 1 thruster w/ 95lbs, 1 KB swing w/ 2 pood, 2 thruster, 2 swings.....(ladder until time runs out)
B) 1RM power clean and power jerk (feet stay squared underneath you)

A) 11rds+6 thrusters
B) 255lbs


Warm-up: 4min AMRAP- 250m row, 10 chest-to-deck push-ups
3x5 plyo push-ups to 24" box
A) 1RM close grip bench press
B) 2xMAX time crucifix hold w/ 25lbs DBs
C) 3x12 seated rows
D) 5xhang snatch+high-hang snatch w/ 60-80% (135-185)
E) 7x1 snatch balance w/ 80% (185)
F) Tabata power snatch/push press w/ 95lbs (power snatch the first 4rds & push press the last 4)
-rest 5min
G) For time- 10 burpee MUs (false grip), 20 KB snatch lunges w/ 2 pood, 30 HSPUs, 40 alternating pistols

A) 270
B) :33, :24
F) 7, 8, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10
G) 9:54 *This drained my upper body quickly and, consequently, became VERY slow...

Friday, October 26, 2012


Warm-up: 3rds- 5 strict pull-ups, 10 hollow rocks, 15 back extensions, 20 push-ups, 200m run
A) 1RM deadlift
B) MAX rep bench press w/ 75%
C) 5x8 weighted dips
D) 3x12 cable face pulls
E) 4x10 knees-to-elbows w/ short rest between

A) 455 *tried 485 afterwards and could've got it but didn't want to compromise form too badly...
B) 13 reps
C) 45, 45, 55, 70, 70


Warm-up: 2rds- 20 sledge hammer strikes (10 each side), 15 russian KB swings w/ 2 pood, 20 air squats
A) 12x2 DE deadlift w/ 60% (275)+40lbs chains *first 6 sets conventional, last 6 sets sumo
B) 20RM back squat using 75% of 1RM (315)
C) 10min MU work
D) Med ball sit-ups

B) This was one of the most difficult feats I've done in a long while and it's honestly something I haven't been able to do since high school so I know that my strength is increasing quite a bit!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Warm-up: 4rds- 10 alternating step-ups @24", 10 leg swings each leg (side-to-side on odd rounds & forward and backward on even rounds)
-Then 7x3 seated box jumps HIGH
A) 10x2 DE box squat w/ 45% (175)+90lbs chains
B) 4x5 Bulgarian squat (each leg)
C) 3x20 cable pull-throughs
D) 2x15 cable crunches, 2x20sec L-hang

B) 185, 205, 205, 205

Warm-up: 2rds- rotator cuff complex, 500m strapless row
A) 9x3 DE bench w/ 50% (145)+50lbs chains
B) 4x10 DB incline bench
C) 3x12 tricep push-downs with med ball on dip assist machine
D) 10 Bar MUs, 5min rest, then 10-8-6-4-2 burpees w/ 5-4-3-2-1 ply pull-ups (chin over and touch index fingers on release) between 

B) 70, 70, 75, 70
D) 2:57 (suck at MUs now)/3:14


Warm-up: walking lunges, air squats, goodmornings, and KB swings w/ 1pood
A) Back squat- 5x85% (355), 3x90% (375), 1x95% (395), PR! (425)
B) Clean and jerk- 3x50% (135), 3x55% (155), 3x65% (185)
C) 5 clean and jerks @185 then 20 butterfly pull-ups
D) 3x15 glute-ham raises+15 GHD sit-ups
E) 20min run



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Project SWOLEnation; 10/15-16/12

I have been revamping my programming once again but, finally, I'm starting to go in the right direction. The focus of the next couple of months will be centered around sharpening my fitness skills. The key points to accomplishing this are a solid powerlifting (modified conjugate method) and olympic weightlifting program, greater emphasis on gymnastics, single modality endurance, and various intervals sprinkled in the mix.
Warm-up: 3rds- 12 rear delt swings w/ 15lbs DBs, 5 caterpillar walks
A) ME Bench Press- 85%x5 (245), 90%x3 (255), 95%x1 (275), 100%x0 (285)
B) 5x5 plyo push-ups to MAX box height 
C) 3x8 skull crushers w/ barbell
D) 1000m row @80%, 2min rest, then- (every 2min for 10min) complete 300m row AFAP
E) 7x3 high-hang snatch w/ 60% (145)
F) 9x1 snatch w/ 60-90% (145-205)

B) 24"-32"
C) 90lbs
D) :57-:59

^Prim your pec/shoulder junction for the next time you do upper body!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm beginning a new strength cycle and, so far, it goes as follows...
A) Warm-up: 3rds- 15 hollow rocks, 10 burpees, 5 MUs (false grip/kipping)
B) 1RM bench press
C) 3x15 tricep push-downs w/ resistance band
D) 7x1 full snatch+1 hang snatch+1 snatch balance w/ 60% (135)

B) 285

A) Warm-up: 5rds- 10 KB Russian swings w/ 55lbs, 10 squats
B) 12x3 DE box squat w/ bands @45% bar weight (185)
C) 3x5 front squats w/ 3sec pause at bottom HEAVY
D) 3x15 dimel deadlifts w/ 225
E) EMOM(10)- 12 ab wheels on odd minutes (4 right, 4 left, 4 middle), 6 knee jumps on even minutes

C) 225, 2x235

Hell Hath Begun....

So the vegan diet has officially begun and, I must admit, it is already eating away at my soul but I'll live! Here's a little artwork I made to doodle out my tummy frustrations. Hope you enjoy...

Friday, October 5, 2012



A) 2x500m row (ALL OUT!)
B) 20RM squat w/ 70% 1RM (285)
C) A ton of cleans and hang cleans w/ 135-185 (technique practice)
D) 10min strict MU and skin-the-cat practice on rings

A) 1:28, 1:34
D) *Today was the first time I attempted a strict MU from a fully extended arm position (dead hang) and not only did I successfully get one but I got two!:D


The Experiment

After much anticipation, I am finally going to let everyone in on a little self experiment that I will be partaking in for the next 4 weeks starting on Oct. 8. I get a lot of people asking me about proper nutrition and when I advocate meats, fish, and other animal products, people tend to get weary because society has pushed "low-fat", moderate protein, and vegan/vegetarian trends for so long. This being said, I've decided to make myself into a living example that we, as human beings, are meant to eat MEAT! For the past three weeks, I've been dialing in my nutrition and yesterday I finally got my blood work done as well as recording my vitals and body weight. NOW, FOR THE NEXT 4 WEEKS I WILL BECOME A VEGAN! Then, I will retest and hopefully I can prove once and for all that what we consider a healthy lifestyle isn't so healthy after all. Saturday, I will be getting a "Crossfit Total" with a 1RM deadlift, squat, and overhead press which will primarily track whether or not I can retain lean body mass and, consequently, my strength over the upcoming month of mayhem!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What it means to be fit...
If you find the time, please go read this short essay about what it means to be fit. It's never a good time to start making excuses and setting limitations on yourself from insecurity or laziness. You know you're lost in the moment when "you’re certain you will be more successful, more adventurous, and more fit every day thereafter."

^Take a hard look at the athletes above. No particular person views themselves as incapable of success and yet you would think the third would have every reason to.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This is a workout I did at the Mabank High School over the summer..
3rounds: 15 hang power cleans w/ 135, 15 burpees



A) 3RM low bar wide stance back squat w/ 70lbs of chain
B) 2RM power snatch
C) EMOM(10)- 15 GHD sit-ups on odd minutes and 2 strict MUs on even minutes (sub in 2 kipping/false grip MUs if you can't get strict)
D) 50-40-30-20-10 KB swings w/ 2 pood and 25-20-15-10-5 burpees between

A) 345+chains
B) 185
D) 11:36


A) 12x3 DE floor press w/ 60% (175) w/ 20lbs of chain
B) 7rds- 2 bar MUs, 3 forward rolls, 5 wall climbs, 7 toes-to-bars, 9 box jumps @32"
C) 2x"Dbramb Complex": 2 strict presses, 4 push presses, 6 split jerks, and 8 thrusters with axle (fat, non-rotating bar) and then 50 double-unders w/ 6min rest between attempts

B) 17:25 @90%
C) 155, 165