Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fri-Sun, April 6-8, 2012

Friday 4/6/12:
A) Test 1RM snatch
B) 4x5 HEAVY high pulls w/ 10sec rest between reps and unlimited rest between sets
C) 10 front squats w/ 225lbs AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

A) 215lbs *Was feeling extra tight and lacked the explosiveness needed to go any higher but I have more left in the tank
B) 225x1/245x2/265x1

Saturday 4/7/12:
Today, I celebrated Easter early with my family and stuffed myself on all of the delicious AWESOMENESS!

Sunday 4/8/12:

Warm-up- 5min build up on woodway treadmill, band mobility for hips/hamstrings/ankles/lats/triceps, 500m EZ row
A) 20min AMRAP- 300m row, 10 chest-2-deck push-ups, 20 DB swings w/ 55lbs

A) 8rounds EXACTLY *My approach to this workout was simply to keep moving and maintain a decent pace around 85-90% MAX capacity

I've been incorporating about 10-15min of warm-up and cool-down on either side of my workouts recently and I've noticed major improvements in maintaining mobility and releasing lactate hours after the workout and even into the next day! If you aren't taking this stuff seriously, you definitely should.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tue-Thur, April 3-5, 2012

Tuesday 4/3/12:

Wednesday 4/4/12:
Warm-up- Foam Rolling, Thoracic Spine Mobility, and Anterior/Posterior Hip
A) Work up to HEAVY 1rep high bar olympic squat *REST 3min* HEAVY 1 rep front squat
B) Swimming- 100m freestyle warm-up, 3x200m freestyle, 3x150m (freestyle 100m, breast 50m), 4x25m back kick/25m breast kick, 150m cool down (choice)
C) 5-4-3-2-1 rep ladder of clean and jerks w/ 205lbs and 10-8-6-4-2 rep ladder of muscle-ups between C&Js

A) 370lbs/315lbs
C) 10:45 *Muscle-ups are coming along but need to improve greatly

Thursday 4/5/12:
A) 3rds- 10 T2Bs, 1 bar pull-over, 10 straight bar dips, 20yd walking lunge, 20yd handstand walk
*4hr REST*
B) ME 2RM banded bench press
C) 5x3 skin the cats for MAX length
D) 4rds w/ 2min rest between rounds- 9 banded push-ups, 12 lateral box jumps @24", 15 v-ups, 400m run

A) 6:02
B) 225lbs bar weight+bands
D) 2:42/2:41/2:45/2:50

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mon, April 2, 2012

Monday 3/2/12:
*Foam Rolling and 3-Direction Splits*
A) Swimming- 100m freestyle EZ, 6x50m freestyle @1:30, 4x25m kick (flutter, back, and breast), 550m pull drill w/ pull buoy, 4x50m (25m freestyle, 25m back/breast) @1:30, 3x100m (50m freestyle, 50m breast), 1x150m cool-down
B) 5rds- 50 squats, 20yd underwater swim (can come up for air any time but must tread in place while breathing)
*3hr REST*
C) 100 pull-ups (25 strict w/ pronated grip, 25 strict w/ supinated grip, 50 butterfly or kipping), 100 evil wheels (ab rollers)
D) 3x15 supinated rows to bar w/ various grips

B) 7:31 *My lungs were pretty gassed coming into this workout from finishing up my swim conditioning class
C) 17:45 *The pull-ups took me 6:40 so the evil wheels were the limiting factor here!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fri-Sun, March 30-April 1, 2012

Friday 3/30/12:
*General Mobility and Foam Rolling w/ Emphasis on Hamstrings/Glutes/Hips*
Warm-up: 2/3 mile run and 500m row @75%
A) 2k row TT
B) 10min back squat pyramid- perform 1 squat the first minute, 2 the second, and so-on-and-so-forth w/ bodyweight on bar (185lbs)

A) 6:48 *a new PR!

Saturday 3/31/12:
*Active Recovery at Lake Ray Roberts State Park*
Today, sir Robert Dominguez and madam Shannon Baughman joined me at Lake Ray Roberts State Park for some easy hiking and fun on the beach. We hiked the intermediate to advance bike trails for about an hour and a half and then made our way to the beach where I swam for about 30min out in the deep water while the others attempted to get their shoulders in the FREEZING cold water haha! We later took turns burying each other in the sand soooooo...yah lol.

Sunday 4/1/12:
Warm-up: Posing for Rob's class assignment pictures in indigenous squat position and playing around with handstands on parrellete bars
A) 3rds- 10 squat clean thrusters w/ 135lbs, 20 ring dips
B) Rock Climbing- 1x5.8, 1x5.8+

A) 7:42 *I programmed this for myself to address my weakness with moving moderate loads under high volume and just performing highly coordinated bodyweight movements in general. All-in-all, this WOD was very productive.