Friday, September 28, 2012

Back to the Drawing Board...9/25-27/12

Rest Day

A) High bar close stance back squat- 85%x5 (345), 90%x3 (365), 95%x1 (385), *couldn't reach 100% or over because of technical issues. I've developed a bit of quad dominance from excessive oly lifting and, consequently, was shifting forward on the initial ascent of my squat..(frustration!)
B) EMOM(12)- 1) every odd minute perform 3 strict C2B pull-ups, 4 kipping C2B pull-ups, and 5 butterfly C2B pull-ups 2) every even minute perform a 40yd dash the first even minute, pro agility the second even minute, and standing broad jump the third even minute then recycle for the following series of three even minutes:
Minutes- 2x
1: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
2: 40yd dash
3: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
4: pro agility
5: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
6: standing broad jump
                                         ^Assessing shoulder mobility!!!
A) 10min row @80-90%
B) Partner WOD: 5rds- 30 alternating push-ups (15 each), 20 alternating tractor tire in-and-outs (10 each w/ forward, side-to-side, and backward variations
C) 3x15sec hollow body hold+5 hollow rocks w/ 1min rest
D) 5x1 bar pull-over+5 straight bar dips

I'm going to start tinkering around with my training slightly and will shift my primary focus over to becoming much more proficient with my oly lifting technique, becoming a better gymnast, and being more athletic. My powerlifting will stay the same but I will tune down the conditioning volume as well as decrease my oly lifts down to 60% each and add 5% every 1-2 weeks as I see fit so that I can focus hard on my technique and speed under the bar.

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