Friday, September 28, 2012


Finally, what you have all been waiting for! This is me at McKinney Gym Equipment tackling their 203lbs kettlebell..

Back to the Drawing Board...9/25-27/12

Rest Day

A) High bar close stance back squat- 85%x5 (345), 90%x3 (365), 95%x1 (385), *couldn't reach 100% or over because of technical issues. I've developed a bit of quad dominance from excessive oly lifting and, consequently, was shifting forward on the initial ascent of my squat..(frustration!)
B) EMOM(12)- 1) every odd minute perform 3 strict C2B pull-ups, 4 kipping C2B pull-ups, and 5 butterfly C2B pull-ups 2) every even minute perform a 40yd dash the first even minute, pro agility the second even minute, and standing broad jump the third even minute then recycle for the following series of three even minutes:
Minutes- 2x
1: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
2: 40yd dash
3: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
4: pro agility
5: 3-4-5 C2B pull-ups
6: standing broad jump
                                         ^Assessing shoulder mobility!!!
A) 10min row @80-90%
B) Partner WOD: 5rds- 30 alternating push-ups (15 each), 20 alternating tractor tire in-and-outs (10 each w/ forward, side-to-side, and backward variations
C) 3x15sec hollow body hold+5 hollow rocks w/ 1min rest
D) 5x1 bar pull-over+5 straight bar dips

I'm going to start tinkering around with my training slightly and will shift my primary focus over to becoming much more proficient with my oly lifting technique, becoming a better gymnast, and being more athletic. My powerlifting will stay the same but I will tune down the conditioning volume as well as decrease my oly lifts down to 60% each and add 5% every 1-2 weeks as I see fit so that I can focus hard on my technique and speed under the bar.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taking it Easy..9/23-24/12

*Today, I just did a whole lotta nothin'!
                                         ^This will get you ready to go ass-2-grass next time you squat!
A) 1RM floor press
B) 1) 4x10 DB one arm push press (5 reps each side)
     2) 4x12 pronated grip supinated rows to bar
C) 10min of strict MU work

A) 295
B) 1) 90, 90, 100, 100

Saturday, September 22, 2012


A) 12x3 DE back squat DEEP w/ 60% (245) & 40sec rest
B) EMOM(10)- 1 clean+1 hang clean+1 split jerk w/ 80% (225)
C) 21-15-9: deadlifts w/ 235 and overhead squats w/ 135

C) 4:45
                                          ^LEARN HOW TO STAND!!! 9/22/12:
A) 3rds @90%- 1000m row and 800m run
*rest 5min
B) tread water for 10min
C) 15min ring MU practice
D) 1min hollow hold+1min superman hold

A) 22:30
*I'm extremely sore from yesterday so I spent A LOT of time with my massage stick and doing PNF with a resistance band. A muscle mash party will probably happen before the night is over fo sho!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back At It! 9/17-19/12

A) 1RM high bar/close stance back squat
B) 4x5 touch-n-go cleans w/ 70% (195)
C) 6x2 hang snatch high pulls w/ 80-85% (155-185)
D) 2rds- 500m row, 30 box jumps @36", 500m row, 20 burpee box jump-overs @24"
E) 3x20sec L-sit hang w/ 2min rest

A) 395 (almost 405) *going DEEP on these to simulate the bottom of a clean
D) 17:47

A) 5rds(not for time)- 5 bar pull-over, 10 hollow rocks
B) 3 legless rope climbs @18' w/ 2min rest and then 2 regular rope climbs back-to-back

A) 10x2 DE strict press w/ 50% bar weight (95)+40lbs in chains & 30sec rest
B) 7x3 Rack jerk HEAVY
C) 3x8 DB bench w/ vertical hand positioning (like holding a football bar)
D) 7rds- 10 wall balls, 10 pull-ups
E) 2xMAX rep strict ring dips
F) 2xMAX distance handstand walk

B) 275
C) 80s, 85s, 90s
D) 4:22
E) 22, 16
F) 27yd, 25yd *definitely fatigued at this point!