Warm-up: EMOM(5)- 4 chest-to-ring pull-ups, 8 KB swings w/ 2 pood
A) 5x3 power cleans w/ 50% (145)+40lbs chains
B) 5x10 power shrugs w/ 110% (315)
C) 12min AMRAP- 10 walking lungs w/ 225lbs on back, 4 ground-to-shoulders w/ 185lbs atlas stone, 14m handstand walk
D) For time: 25 burpees, 25 box jumps @20", 200 single jump ropes w/ 100m run every 2min
-3min rest
For time: 50 kipping pull-ups
C) 3rds+1 ground-to-shoulder
D) 3:18/2:01
A) 5x3 skin-the cats w/ 3sec pause and pike up to inverted
B) "Filthy Fifty"
B) 17:37
Warm-up: General mobility and light cleans
A) 10x1 clean and jerk @80% (225)
B) 1RM sumo deadlift
C) EMOM- Split jerk starting at 135 and adding 20lbs every minute
-5min rest
Increase final weight by 10lbs for a single attempt
D) 3x12 hamstring curls w/ 50-55lbs
E) 3x20 sit-ups w/ 40lbs atlas stone
F) For time: 100 Russian KB swings w/ 2 pood
B) 435
C) 275/285
F) 2:29
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