Monday, January 28, 2013


Warm-up: 3min 2 pood KB work
A) 3RM deadlift
B) "Fran": 21-15-9
                  Thrusters w/ 95lbs
C) 2x50 curls w/ 45lbs axle *Got nothing on Derek Poundstone (Poundstone Curls)

A) 455 *Ugly rounded upper back! Need to put in a little more accessory work for bracing my torso under HEAVY loads.
B) 2:34


Played the "Fish Game" on the rower HAHA!

Friday, January 25, 2013


A) Row: Every :30 for 6:00 row 125m, 3min rest, every :30 for 4:00 row 125m, 2min rest, every :30 for 2:00 row 125m
Climb trees, play racquetball, and did a little partner "Grace" with an approx. 100lbs natural stone (back-and-forth for 15 reps each=30 total)

Warm-up: 3rds- 1 wall climb+10 shoulder touches, 5 burpee pull-ups
A) 9x3 DE axle bench press w/ 50% (145)+40lbs chains
B) 5x2 push press HEAVY (power clean from the ground)
C) 7min AMRAP- ascending ladder of hang power cleans w/ 185 and KIPPING HSPUs
     Ex: 1 hang power clean, 1 HSPU, 2 HPC, 2 HSPU, 3 HPC, 3 HSPU.... (for total reps)
D) 1) 3x15sec L-sit on parallettes
     2) 3x15 strict one arm rows w/ 2 pood KB (each arm)

B) 185, 205, 215, 225, 235
C) 76 reps

Warm-up: 500m strapless row
A) "Jerry"- 1mile run, 2k row, 1mile run

A) 21:16 (first mile was 6:10 and 2,000m row was 7:20 so do the math plus about :20 of transition time so do the math...)

Friday, January 18, 2013


Warm-up: Arm circles, legs swings, 500m row
A) EMOM- start at 50% of 1RM clean and PUSH jerk and add 10lbs every minute (must POWER clean from the ground each rep)
B) 3x20 KB windmills w/ 1.5 pood (10 each side)
C) 4rds- 30sec hollow body hold, 400m run, 20 KB swings w/ 1.5 pood w/ 1 minute rest between

A) 145 (START), 245 (END)
C) 2:34, 2:34, 2:39, 2:41

Warm-up: Rock climb, hip and ankle mobility
A) 10x2 DE front squats w/ 50lbs chains: 4x2@50% (165), 4x2@55% (180), 2x2@60% (195)
B) 10min speed ladder work
C) 1) 3x15 banded leg curls (light band)
     2) 3x250m row@70-80%
D) EMOM(20)- 5 hang snatches w/ 60% (135) on odd minutes, 3 MUs on even minutes


A) 3RM bench press w/ axle
B) EMOM(7)- high hang clean w/ 80% (225)
     -1min REST
     EMOM(7)- clean and split jerk w/ 80% (225)
C) 3rds- 20 strict HSPUs, 30 GHD sit-ups, 100m walk w/ 185lbs barbell on back (clean from the ground)
D) For time: 1 15' rope climb, 2 alternating pistols, 1 rope climb, 4 pistols, 1 rope climb, 6 pistols, 1 rope climb, 8 pistols, 1 rope climb, 10 pistols, 1 rope climb, 12 pistols, 1 rope climb, 14 pistols, 1 rope climb, 16 pistols, 1 rope climb, 18 pistols, 1 rope climb, 20 pistols

A) 255
C) 17:21
D) 13:33 *pistols were SLOW toward the end and the rope was falling apart at the bottom

Warm-up: 200m freestyle swim@80%
A) EMOM(10)- 25m freestyle FAST
Cool-down: 100m breast stroke@80%, 100m side stroke@80%
B) Play racquetball for an hour
C) MovNat tree circuits and high jump and roll practice

A) :19-:21

Warm-up: 5min jump rope variations
A) 12x2 DE deadlifts on 4" raised platform- 4x50% (245), 4x55% (275), 4x60% (295)
B) 10min snatch singles
C) 3rds- 20 wall-balls, 20 butterfly pull-ups

B) 205
C) *don't remember time but was too SLOW!



Warm-up: 5min AMRAP- 6 KB swings w/ 2 pood, 9 box jumps @20", 12 double-unders
A) 1RM back squat
B) 5x5 TnG cleans HEAVY
C) 3rds- 15 squat snatches w/ 1 pood KB (right arm), 15 GHD sit-ups, 15 squat snatches w/ 1 pood KB (left arm), 15 T2Bs
D) 3x10 glute-ham raises w/ 1min rest between

A) 385
B) 135, 185, 205 (F), 205, 215
C) 10:22

Friday, January 4, 2013


A) 2 mile trail run TT
B) 4rds w/ 3min rest between- 20yd monkey bar, 10yd parrellete walk (going up and down on this awesome apparatus)

A) 13:06

A) 4 mile run 
B) Every 45sec x 9 sets- back squat 60% (235)x3, 70% (275)x3, 80% (315)x3
C) 2RM hang power clean
D) 3x10 TnG power cleans w/ 135 & 1min rest between
E) 3x15 DB romanian deadlifts
F) Core circuit- 1x20sec L-sit, 30sec hollow body hold, 40sec superman

A) 29:02 *in the COLD and rain!
C) 235 
E) 100s, 105s, 110s


A) 20min straight grip MU work
B) 3RM strict press w/ axle bar
C) 3x10 ring press-outs
D) 4rds- 12 hang muscle snatch w/ 40lbs DBs, 9 deadlifts w/ 275lbs axle, 40 double-unders, 300m run

B) 170
D) 11:10