Wednesday, November 28, 2012


24hr FAST & REST
*After a long Thanksgiving break worth of eating poorly and highly sedentary behavior, Monday gave me a day to attempt to restart my digestive tract and get back to my paleo eating habits. Along with this revelation, I also will be backing off of the enormous amount of strength work that I've been doing lately and focus more so on a holistic approach to fitness that better translates to overall skill development, athleticism, explosiveness, and adaptability to the outdoors. For the next couple of weeks, I will be working out based largely off of listening to my own body on a daily basis. I miss rock climbing, swimming, moving odd objects, etc. and it's more than due time to incorporate these aspects of fitness back into my training. This being said, I will still be following a semi-structured strength program.
                                         ^(This is so awesome!)

A) For time: 10 to 1 strict pull-ups and 1 to 10 handstand push-ups between sets of pull-ups (5 burpee penalty for every time you either fall from the pull-up bar during any given set or come off of the wall during handstand push-ups)
B) 2RM snatch grip deadlift
C) 5x5 push jerk (clean from ground)
D) 10min bar muscle-up practice

A) 11:48 *The point of this workout was to go unbroken on as many sets as possible. I dropped from the pull-up bar twice and went completely unbroken on the handstand push-ups, leaving me with ten burpees immediately after the workout.
B) 365
C) 245

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Warm-up: 3rds- 5 burpees, 20m bunny hop, 20m monster walk (wide/deep walking lunge)
A) 7x3 clean and jerks w/ 60-80% (135-225)
B) 5x1 clean grip power snatch
C) 21-15-9: power snatch w/ 95lbs & sledge hammer strikes
D) Core work: 1min hollow hold, 1min superman hold, 1min plank hold

B) 165
C) 4:25

A) 30min row for distance
B) 10min false-grip MU & tuck-up to HSPU practice on rings
C) 3rds w/ 1min rest between- 1min static overhead hold w/ 45lbs bumper plate, 1min MAX rep burpees, 1min MAX rep alternating jump lunges
D) MAX distance farmers walk with pinch grip on top of the 45lbs bumpers in each hand

A) 7,715m *rowed sub 2:00m/500m pace for the first 20min & again the last 5min
C) 88-82-80=250 total reps




Warm-up: 3rds- 10 russian swings w/ 2 pood KB, 5 american swings w/ 2 pood KB
-then 20 squats, 20 lunges
A) 2RM front squat
B) 5x1 power snatch+1 hang squat snatch+1 high-hang squat snatch+1 full snatch
C) 1x5 full snatch w/ 80% (185)
D) For time: 20 alternating TGUs w/ 2 pood KB
-2min rest
100 double-unders for time

A) 315
B) 175
D) 6:10/0:55 *double-unders were unbroken

2+ hours of playing volleyball and racquetball

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Warm-up: 800m run, 20 box squats with empty barbell
A) 12x2 DE high bar/close stance box squat w/ 50% (205)+chains
B) 4x6 zercher squat
C) 1) 3x20 supermans, 2) 3x20 oblique crunches w/ 80lbs DB each side
D) 7xpower snatch+full snatch w/ 60-80% (135-185)
E) 100 unbroken Russian KB swings w/ 2 pood

B) 135, 225, 275, 315


Warm-up: 5min AMRAP- 250m row, 3 caterpillar walks
A) 10x3 DE close-grip bench w/ 50% (135)+chains
B) 5x3 strict press w/ DBs
C) 3x8 bent over rows w/ reverse grip
D) 2x15 C2B pull-ups w/ 1min rest between
-1min rest
2x20 kipping pull-ups w/ 1min rest between
-5min rest
1xMAX rep strict pull-ups

B) 65, 70, 75, 75, 70
C) 185, 185, 185
D) 8


A) Run half marathon

A) 1:57 *I'm very proud of my dad for completing his first half marathon and I'm glad I survived!


Warm-up: 1000m row, 20 push-ups, 20 air squats, 20 walking lunges
A) 50 box squats with empty barbell+chains (used different stances throughout)
B) 5RM sumo deadlifts
C) For time: 5rds of Cindy(5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)+5rds of Mary (5 HSPUs, 10 pistols, 15 pull-ups)
D) 50 T2Bs

B) 405 
C) 9:35

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Warm-up: 500m strapless row, 400m run, 20 walking lunges, 20 air squats
A) 1RM high bar/close stance back squat
B) 5x2 position clean+jerk
C) 3x15 banded leg curls (each leg)
D) 3x15 hanging knee raises (last set was hanging straight leg raises)

A) 405
B) 245


Warm-up: DB shoulder complex (10 front raises, 10 lateral raises, 10 rear raises), 5 caterpillar walks, 10 push-ups
A) Close-grip bench press- 85% (230)x5, 90% (245)x3, 100% (270)x1
B) 2x10 french presses with tricep bar
C) 1x20 banded tricep push-downs
D) 3RM weighted pull-up
E) 4x5 weighted pull-ups w/ 50% (different grips)
F) Death by MUs w/ 10min cap- subtract the # of minutes left from 10 and multiply by 5 burpee penalty performed immediately afterwards
-rest 5min
Death by MUs w/ 10min cap- subtract the # of minutes left from 10 and multiply by 3 wall climb penalty performed immediately afterwards
-rest 5min
3x150yd hill sprint w/ rest being the time it takes to walk back to start line
(record total # of MUs and time on sprints)

D) 55
F) MUs- 46, Sprint Times- :20, :22, :21


Friday, November 2, 2012



Warm-up: 10min agility ladder drills
A) 10x2 DE high bar/close stance box squat w/ 50% (210)+bands (80+lbs at top)
B) 5x6 wide stance goodmornings
C) 1) 3x12 spread eagle sit-ups w/ 10lbs plate
     2) 3x20 superman rocks
D) 3rds-10 deadlifts w/ 315, 50 double-unders
E) Back lever progressions

B) 135, 185, 205, 225, 245
D) 3:04 *I could definitely tell that the strength programming has been paying off as far as bar speed and trunk stability were concerned in the deadlifts. I've never moved 315 so efficiently in my life!

Warm-up: play the "fish game" on the rowers, then 2rds- 10 rotator cuff raises (each arm), 10 slow dips
A) 8x3 DE close grip bench w/ 55-60% (155-165)+bands (30lbs at top)
B) 4x8 seated DB press w/ no back support
C) 1xMAX rep strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
D) 2x10, 2x20, 1x30 shoulder touches
E) One INTENSE game of racquetball!

B) 55, 60, 60, 60
C) 7 *need to work pull-ups A LOT more